[WEEK 9] Mailing 2.0

The mailing functionality for the ticket system has increased quite well!

Let me show you what I achieved this week:

First of all in the config file you can turn the mailing on and off, (like if you dont want to support it)
I’ve added some fields to the support group creation page
Screenshot from 2013-08-20 02:29:23
There’s also the possibility to change those settings afterwards 😉 The password is encrypted with’AES-256-CBC’ + “SHA512” on the key;

The mailing cron script will pull from those inboxes + you can specify a default inbox (like for example: ticketing@ryzomcore.com).
Users can email a new query to a specific support group’s matching emailaddress and the cron script will create a new ticket for it and forward it to the matching support group. This way you can easily send your questions to the correct department, without having to wait for someone of the general support team to deligate it.

Now I’ve also added an extra setting ‘Receive Ticket Updates’ which simply specifies whether you want to receive updates about your tickets or don’t.

Screenshot from 2013-08-20 02:39:07

When it’s turned on, users will receive an email when they create a new ticket or when someone of the moderators/admins answers on their ticket.
It’s possible to reply on those emails, and by replying on them you automatically add your reply to the ticket itself!

An example of this (don’t check the context, I was just testing it 🙂 )
Screenshot from 2013-08-20 02:45:21

If someone else tries to reply to a ticket of yours, you will receive a warning mail + the person who tried to reply on it will get a notification mail too. Botanic had quite a point , when you got multiple mail accounts linked to your client, you might reply with the wrong email address, this prevents those issues!

I’ve also added a log file, that keeps track of your cron script and the output is kinda like:

mailing cron Job started at: 08-20-2013 02:20:18
Child Cron job finished at 08-20-2013 02:20:22
mailing cron Job started at: 08-20-2013 02:21:41
Email found that is a reply to a ticket at:amsryzom@gmail.com
Email was written to /tmp/mail/ticket20.1376958105
Child Cron job finished at 08-20-2013 02:21:47

As you perhaps have noticed, I’ve connected over IMAP to gmail accounts, simply because I was having issues receiving email on my laptop’s mailserver. Though normally this should work the same way!

What’s my aim for next week?
Well, I got one project to finish for school with a deadline @23August 23u59, I’ll have to focus a bit on that for the 3 days left to come. Though I probably find some gaps to fill in and ofcourse after that I can get back to gsoc for the full 100%. What do I still have to do about the emailing? Well I think the main functionality is done. I still have to change the ingame template files to make them match the outgame files I changed this week. Also on my todo list, is taking a look at pears mailqueue. Another major thing I still have to do is, making the emails being sent by the system language dependent, because atm the email content is hardcoded.


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