This week I worked on transforming my prototype tickets to a more complex version. Botanic helped me to get the basic picture of how a ticket should look like, and therefor I added the admin functions to change the status, for example after replying changing it to ‘waiting for user response’, I also added an additional column for priorities in the ticket DB, that way there can be some kind of distinction between levels of priorities. Not only the ticket replies itself are shown while viewing a ticket but also some basic information like: when was the ticket last updated etc.

In this week I also did some major refactoring, I have removed the global variables that were used to construct objects and make the db connection and encapsulated it all into the DBLayer class.

An item that wasn’t on my to do list and wasn’t in my proposal, though we implemented it anyway, was a ticket_logging system. Admins can easily browse the entire history of a ticket and watch who created it (an admin or user), watch who viewed it and at what time, they can see who changed the status or priority of the ticket and so on. This might be very useful for debugging purposes. I have reworked the database scheme for implementing this, I will update it later 🙂

I started working on the queue’s but it was a lot more complex than expected, I think I have to redo most of the work of it.

Though instead I started working on creating support groups, at this moment, an admin can create multiple support groups like for instance Developers, CSRs, Webteam and so on, .. and they can add other people to those groups. Atm there isn’t much more functionality for that, though we are planning to make it possible to forward tickets to those groups instead of forwarding it to single people or making a static distinction between groups.

If I look back in my repo, there’s a lot more of small updates that refer to not-so-important-to-mention stuff, though you can always check it out yourself @ https://bitbucket.org/DJanssens/quitta-ryzomcore/commits/all

A small screenshot for making this post more fun to read! 😀
Screenshot from 2013-07-11 21:02:19

In my previous post I aimed for:
– Read ticket, reply on ticket, show ticketlist based on queues
– Focus also on the different roles: developer, moderator etc
– refine create ticket with add tags etc..
– if time permits, already take a look at the tags.

=> The ticket part is mostly done, though still some improvements are needed, queues need to be reconsidered and stuff like file uploading has to be added, though I guess I’ll keep it for later. Those roles, we decided to make the support groups, which is more work, but in the long end it will be more rewarding and more useful!
I crafted the ticket-log system, therefor didn’t had time to look at other fancy things like tags etc.

My aim for next week:
– I’m a bit uncertain about how long it will take to get the queues done, though that’s definitely something for this week. Also I have to refine the support groups system, the remove functions (remove person X from group) have to be implemented, also some distinction between Moderator and Admin and their permissions have to be refactored. I’m not sure yet about the other goals for this week, probably taking a look at the tags, though things can change depending on other cool ideas that Botanic or I could come up with.

My server still runs my demo-app at http://hexon.neejberhood.be/~daan/ryzom_ams/www/html/index.php id: admin/pass: admin or create one yourself!
It’s not the latest version, though it can give some basic overview of our progress

That’s it for this week!

Daan out!

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