Accepted for gsoc 2013

I can proudly pronounce that my proposal ‘Account Management Web Application With Ticketing System And Its Integegration into Ryzom App.’ got accepted by the Ryzom Core( community and Google. This means that I’m going to spend my entire summer – coding to save the world (*insert heroic music here*). Well let’s just pretend that it’s for that cause! Still, it’s pretty awesome!

Now you might wonder what is RyzomCore.
Ryzom Core is the open-source project related to the Ryzom Game. Written in C++, Ryzom Core contains the whole code (client, server, tools) used to make the commercial MMORPG Ryzom. Ryzom Core is a toolkit for the development of massively multiplayer online universes. It provides the base technologies and a set of development methodologies for the development of both client and server code.

A screenshot of Ryzom

What’s my part in it?
Since the current way of creating accounts with Ryzom Core doesn’t support any validation or verification techniques even though it’s a rather important aspect these days. We have to come up with some kind of web application that handles this in an efficient way. The results in an ’Account Management System’, with all its related components regarding account registration and maintenance. But also an ’Admin Control Panel’ to perform CRUD operations on player accounts and send out bans and warnings or remove these.

Another important aspect of this account managementsystem is the Ticket system, which could be used for various reasons. This ticketing system allows users to send a query to the CSR
(Customer support representative) or DEV (Developer) team by creating a ticket and to let the CSRs/DEVs respond on these queries.

What’s next?
June the 17th, I will start coding and I will keep posting updates to this blog! So keep an eye on it!


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